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Inclusive and Equitable Spaces & Organizations
We support groups to center equity, racial justice, and inclusion in their work and to create whole and inclusive communities and organizations. As JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) practitioners, we provide:
Leadership development
Thought partnership
We empower individuals and organizations to create organizational transformation that creates sustainable changes to support social justice.

Restorative Circles
Community building ​
Shared values
Community/group agreements
Restorative Conversations​
Process for deep listening and repair
Learn more about Restorative Justice. ​​​
Restorative Justice in Organizations and Schools
Build a restorative culture within your organization or school. We will support you to implement restorative justice principles and practices, including:

Conflict Transformation
Build your capacity to effectively navigate conflicts. We support individuals and organizations to move through conflict in healthy and generative ways, creating space for effective and meaningful conversations, and engaging in the self-reflective work required to transform ourselves and the world around us in service to our collective healing and liberation.
Inter-personal conflict transformation (mediation, facilitated conversations)
Transforming challenging group dynamics and conflict within an organization
Conflict coaching
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